Align \thanks and \footnote

footnoteshorizontal alignment

How do I align \footnote and \thanks in LaTeX? For example, the code below does not align the 1 of \thanks and a of \footnote. The .sty file can be downloaded here: spconf.

% Template for ICASSP-2021 paper; to be used with:
%          spconf.sty  - ICASSP/ICIP LaTeX style file, and
%          IEEEbib.bst - IEEE bibliography style file.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------



% Title.
% ------

% Single address.
% ---------------
\name{Author1 and Author2$^{1}$% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{$^{1}${\tt\small \{abc, abc\}}}%
\address{Department, XYZ \\ XYZ}


\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\alph{footnote}} Abstract. \footnote{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}

Human Pose Forecasting


enter image description here

Best Answer

The \thanks footnote is just set without any number; you manually provide this number, but it is considered as part of the footnote text. So we can \llap (a left overlap) this manually-supplied number:

enter image description here

% Template for ICASSP-2021 paper; to be used with:
%          spconf.sty  - ICASSP/ICIP LaTeX style file, and
%          IEEEbib.bst - IEEE bibliography style file.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------




  Author1 and Author2\textsuperscript{\upshape 1}%
  % \llap the footnote number to align with other footnote numbers
  \thanks{\llap{\textsuperscript{1}}{\ttfamily\footnotesize \{abc, abc\}}}% 
\address{Department, XYZ \\ XYZ}




some relavent set of keywords
