[Tex/LaTex] How to double space the \thanks footnote


The journal I intend to submit my paper to requires all the text, including footnotes and acknowledgments, be double spaced. I use the setspace package and put \doublespacing and \renewcommand{\footnotelayout}{\doublespacing} in the preamble. Everything works well except for the fact that the \thanks footnotes are not double spaced. How can I solve this?

An mwe:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside]{article}


\title{How to double space the ``thanks'' footnote?\thanks{\normalsize Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.}}
\author{John Smith\thanks{\normalsize Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.}}









Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.\footnote{\lipsum[5]}


Best Answer

Use \thanks{\protect\doublespacing\normalsize ...}.

Alternatively, since typing all that is tiresome, use the etoolbox package to patch the code for the \thanks command itself; thus


Subsequently, \thanks{whatever} should produce a normalsize, double spaced footnote.