Proof relating to square root and floor function On the ‘wrong proof’ of the chain rule Two canonical constructions for a scheme map $\operatorname{Spec} \kappa(x) \to X$ The relationship between Rank of square matrix and its higher orders Expectation of a local martingale and uniform integrability Chern character of a coherent sheaf over a projective manifold Prove $10^{P(n)/2}+1$ is divisible by $n$ Approximating the integral of exponential of hyperbolic functions When does a group have a geometric realization What does it mean for polynomials to be the sum of constants multiples of powers of x Must there be a proper class of Reinhardt cardinals if there is a Reinhardt cardinal Eigenvalue analysis of $X^T (XX^T + \mathrm{Id})^{-1} X$ for $X$ iid random matrix Reference for Langlands dual homomorphisms Characters on ray class groups Any “motive”(-like) theory which can catch that cusp $y^2=x^3$ (and similar) are non-trivial Does every nilpotent lie in the span of simple root vectors Bounding supremum norm in terms of gradient L2-norm using a Poincare-like inequality Another limit involving the fractional part Continuity of the volume function Etymology of “real numbers” MATLAB: Output argument not assigned during call error MATLAB: How to get values for each iteration on optimization toolbox MATLAB: How to use ‘wget’ command in Linux MATLAB: How to get jsondecode to preserve map keys (numerical keys are prefixed with ‘x’) MATLAB: How to create volume out of two boundary surfaces MATLAB: Create a “moving window” plot MATLAB: How to plot vectors MATLAB: Error: Expected input to be a vector MATLAB: How can i add text in animated line MATLAB: Indexing a loop to run through multiple files Use a consistent language for headers and footers with babel Custom math mode font 3D path rotations in plain TikZ What tex symbol is used for the “let” word Print the number of elements in the first and second rows of an array respectively Is “mon =” of any use in a bibtex file Adding a Title and Tags to a PDF Generated with LaTeX for Better Accessibility Use “chemmacros” package in Scientific Reports Repeating drawing isosceles triangle Latex citation undefined for inproceedings Multiple Logistic Regression with many coefficients – How to interpret non-significance and do I need to correct Finding percentiles without complete data set Reporting the best test accuracy in a research paper Estimating joint probability matrix Marginalizing out discrete response variables in Stan How well do Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines work in high dimensional settings Inverse transform method, theoretical graph not matching sample Do robust estimators like M-estimator still have higher variance than OLS in presence of non-normal errors and/or outliers Knowing the sum, the n(), and the bound parameters of a truncated-Pareto distributed variable, how I identify the alpha (shape) parameter Using GLM: Gaussian, Poisson vs Gamma Understanding the Cloud Mask in Google Earth Engine Loading QGIS project file with standalone PyQGIS Script Determine the UTM zone in a world file Count the number of water pixels in an image collection (Landsat 5) WKB structure does not match expected size Get Numpy array from SHAPE@WKB token Select multiple rows from PostGIS table where ST_Contains has multiple manual inputs Show shapefile data by Leaflet ST_Disjoint() gives unexpected result using PostGIS Checking if boundaries of two geometries touch using PostGIS Show that if two operators $A$ and $B$ commute, then simultaneous accurate measurement is possible Is there a highest possible atomic number Uniqueness of Fock space Underlying Hilbert space of Kitaev’s exactly solvable models Schwarzschild energy-momentum tensor What’s the mathematical explanation of the emergence of magnetic monopoles during the early universe Clock in gravitational field How does the Mermin-Ho theorem handle singularities arising from the hairy ball theorem Can incompatible observables share an eigenvector Is the current density constant in magnetostatics