[Tex/LaTex] Changing spacing for \thanks generates empty line


In a double-spaced article, I'm trying to keep the \thanks note single-spaced. I use this topic to change the spacing of \thanks back to single-spacing. This works, but it also generates an empty line at the start of the note. How do I get the text to start on the same line as the * symbol?



\title{\vspace{-4cm}Title goes here}
\author{Author Goes Here\thanks{\protect\singlespacing\protect\lipsum[1]}}


\noindent \lipsum[2]

\section{First section}


Best Answer

My initial MWE was too minimal. The problem turns out to be the order of loading packages. Specifically, loading \usepackage{setspace} after \usepackage{hyperref} creates a double-spaced thanks-note. Trying to correct that by adding \protect\singlespacing to the thanks-note generates the white line in the thanks-note.

Loading \usepackage{setspace} before \usepackage{hyperref} keeps the thanks-note single-spaced.

Alternatively, Egreg's solution to add \protect\linespread{1}\protect\selectfont to the thanks-note works regardless of the order of loading packages.

For completeness, the full preamble of the actual document is as follows.


\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb}

%% Swap the next two packages to correct the double-spaced thanks-note






\title{\vspace{-4cm}\textsc{Title goes here}}

\author{Author \textsc{Goes Here}\thanks{\protect\lipsum[1]}} 


 \noindent \lipsum[2]

\section{First section}
\noindent \lipsum[5]
