[Tex/LaTex] Remove thanks star only from text, not from footnote


I use the \thanks command to include a first starred footnote with acknowledgments. The star should appear in the footnote, but there should be no star in the text (in this case right after the title). How can I remove the star only from the text and not from the footnote?

\title{This is my title\thanks{Here I thank people.}}
Here is a sentence.\footnote{Here is a footnote.}

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

The \maketitle command in the article class redefines \@makefnmark in a group to print the marker in a zero width box, so as to preserve centering. Thus it's sufficient to define it to do nothing:



\textheight=8cm % just to have a smaller picture


\title{This is my title\thanks{Here I thank people.}}


Here is a sentence.\footnote{Here is a footnote.}


The patch might be more detailed, removing all replacement text for \@makefnmark, that, with this patch, will become the replacement text for \useless@macro. But since it's in a group, the definition of \useless@macro will disappear as soon as the group ends.

enter image description here