[Tex/LaTex] Noindent in \thanks, left align

footnoteshorizontal alignmentindentation

I am using the following command in WinEdt to have the corresponding author contact info at the footnote. I used \\ to have a new line since it was long.

I have two problems. First I need to left align letter "C" of the "Corresponding author" with the letter "E" of Email in the footnote. Second, I should interchange *,a with a,* in the 2nd line after first Author Name. Thanks and sorry if the first version of my question was not clear.

\title {\bf  Title}
 \author[,a]{Author Name\thanks{Corresponding author. Tel.: +0 (000) 000 0000 ext. 00000; fax: +0 (000) 000 0000.\\ E-mail: email@123.com}}

\author[b]{Author Name}
\affil[a]{Department of , University of , Address, BB, CC}
\affil[b]{Department of , University of , Address, BB, CC}

\begin {document}

enter image description here

Best Answer

In this instance, it is far easier to insert the appropriate space needed to horizontally align the two lines. The exact space is 1.8em:

enter image description here

\usepackage{authblk}% http://ctan.org/pkg/authblk
\author[,a]{Author Name\thanks{Corresponding author. Tel.: +0 (000) 000 0000 ext. 00000; fax: +0 (000) 000 0000.\\
  \hspace*{1.8em}E-mail: email@123.com}}
\author[b]{Author Name}
\affil[a]{Department of , University of , Address, BB, CC}
\affil[b]{Department of , University of , Address, BB, CC}


For reference, also see Does it matter if I use \textit or \it, \bfseries or \bf, etc. and Will two-letter font style commands (\bf, \it, …) ever be resurrected in LaTeX?