[Tex/LaTex] Align \footnote left

footnoteshorizontal alignment

At the moment my footnote looks like this

²Commit-Hooks definieren was die Softwareversionierung (zum Beispiel SVN) machen soll, sobald ein
  Commit passiert.

The second line just does not align to the first (C under C).
I do not get what have caused this.

My Code:

Commit-Hooks\footnote{Commit-Hooks definieren was die Softwareversionierung (zum Beispiel SVN) machen soll, sobald ein Commit passiert.} 

Minimal Example:


Commit-Hooks\footnote{Commit-Hooks definieren was die Softwareversionierung (zum Beispiel SVN) machen soll, sobald ein Commit passiert.} 

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

The Koma-script classes have a mechanism for changing the setting of the footnotes.

The default is


and you can get the desired result by saying


Complete example:




Commit-Hooks\footnote{Commit-Hooks definieren was die Softwareversionierung
(zum Beispiel SVN) machen soll, sobald ein Commit passiert.}


enter image description here

If you want to push the footnote number to the left margin, you can do


and the footnote would be

enter image description here

If you want the footnote number in the margin, you could use

  \textsuperscript{\makebox[0em][r]{\thefootnotemark\ }}}

and the footnote would become

enter image description here

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