[Tex/LaTex] \thanks{} footnote indented when using amsart and doc


When using the amsart document class in combination with the doc package, I get an extra indent in the thanks footnote of the first author:

\author{first author}
\author{second author}


crop of footnote of complication

Is there any way to circumvent this behaviour?

Best Answer

An update of \@setthanks seems to suffice:

enter image description here




\author{first author}
\author{second author}



amsart mentions

In order to make multiple thanks footnotes work inside a single \@footnotetext argument we need to make the first \par be ignored. Cf. \@setthanks.

and then sets \def\par{\let\par\@par} as the first thing in \@footnotetext. So, using \@par from the start with every \thanks introduces the vertical skip which is reverted using \vspace{-\baselineskip}.