[Tex/LaTex] Amsart: footnote for the author


Assume the following code:

      \usepackage{graphicx}   % if you want to include graphics files


       % author information

       % first author 

       \author{Author 1}
       \address{University 1}
       \email{email 1}

       % second author

       \author{Author 2}

       % the address where the research was carried out
       \address{University 2}

       % current address, usually not needed because it is the same as the
       % regular address

       \email{email 2}

       % title


How can I set a footnote to the authors (1 the the first and 2 to the second), such that at the end of the paper the number indicates which email address belongs to which author? For short I would like to have something like: Author 1^1 and at the end ^1 Email-address: email_1.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

You can use the optional argument to \address or to \email

% author information
% first author 
\author{Author 1}
\address[Author 1]{University 1}
\email{email 1}

% second author
\author{Author 2}
\address[Author 2]{University 2}
\email[Corresponding author]{email 2}



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