[Tex/LaTex] How to make the title larger in Tikz poster?


How does one increase the font size of the title of a poster using Tikz Poster?

Best Answer

Looks like this is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight. The title is printed with \maketitle, so it is a little bit more complicated to alter the fontsize of the title, than for the other blocks. To change the settings you can make use of the \settitle command. However, this seems to override all settings of the title block, which probably means you have to define the whole layout of this block yourself (see page 5 of the current manual for an example). As there is no indication in the manual, which font sizes are predefined, and it seems as \Huge is the biggest you can get, you have to use the \fontsize command. However, I don't think this is a good solution, since Latex does provide predefined font sizes not without cause. Probably somebody with a little more experience in typesetting can tell something about this.

Anyway, here is a possible solution:

    \settitle{\centering{\bfseries \fontsize{100}{120} \sc \@title \par}}

Setting \fontsize{60}{72} yields

enter image description here

while for \fontsize{100}{120} you'll get:

enter image description here