[Tex/LaTex] Putting a box at the bottom of the poster with tikzposter


I have a poster in tikzposter.
Now I would like to place a box at the bottom of the page.
It should be as wide as the complete poster.
It should "touch" both the sides of the poster and the bottom of the poster.
The box should not replace the title – I need that too.

How can this be done?

Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

The whole tikzposter is essentially one tikzpicture. Further, the class defines a coordinate bottomleft at the lower left corner of the paper, so you could probably just add something like

\node [above right,outer sep=0pt,minimum width=\paperwidth,align=center,draw,fill=blue!30] at (bottomleft) {Some text at the bottom};

just before \end{document}.

Complete example:

\node [above right,
       outer sep=0pt,
       minimum width=\paperwidth-2*\pgflinewidth,
       minimum height=7cm,
       ultra thick] at ([shift={(0.5*\pgflinewidth,0.5*\pgflinewidth)}]bottomleft) {Some text at the bottom};

enter image description here