[Tex/LaTex] Setting the height or position of a block in tikzposter


I have two poster in tikzposter and would like to hang them next to each other.
Each poster has three blocks.
I would like similiar blocks to have the same position on both posters. How can this be achieved?

Thank you for your time.

code extract:

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}
\block{Title A}{Content A}
\block{Title B}{Content B} 
\block{Title B}{Content C}

On both posters, the contents of the blocks have different lengths. The problem is to make them the same height (or the same position for that matter).

Best Answer

Here is a solution.

New command \mtblock{Title 1}{Poster 1 content}{Title 2}{Poster 2 content} that save content and measure height of block

One .tex file, to be compiled with \firsttrue for poster 1. and without it or \firstfalse for poster 2.

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}

\usepackage{lipsum}% just for the example


\block{\iffirst #1\else #3\fi}{%
\parbox[t][\htblockbox][c]{\linewidth}{\iffirst #2\else #4\fi}}}

\title{Block height}


%\firsttrue     %uncomment for poster 1: A,B,C
\mtblock{Title 1}{Poster 1 content}{Title 2}{Poster 2 content}
\mtblock{Title A}{\lipsum[1]}{Title AA}{\lipsum[1-2]}
\mtblock{Title B}{\lipsum[1]}{Title BB}{\lipsum[1-2]}
\mtblock{Title C}{\lipsum[1-2]}{Title CC}{\lipsum[1]}

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