[Tex/LaTex] How to change the style of one block in tikzposter package


I want to change the style of only one block "Objectives", but at the same time i like theme Desert. I would like this block to have black frame and background color like title of my poster has. Any ideas how to manage it?!

\documentclass[25pt, a1papper, portrait]{tikzposter}
\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering dsfds sdfsfd}}
\institute{fsdfs sdfdsfds}





    \block{Objectives}{\blindtext \vspace{2cm}


    \block{Something else}{Here, \blindtext \vspace{4cm}}
        {e-mail \texttt{sharelatex@sharelatex.com}}}

    \block{A figure}

    \block{Description of the figure}{\blindtext}
bodyoffsety=1em,titlewidthscale=.6, bodywidthscale=.8, roundedcorners=14,
linewidth=8mm, bodyinnersep=4em, titleinnersep=2em]
{Sample Block}{Text\\Text\\Text Text}

Best Answer

I am not entirely sure what you are after as your title does not seem to have a black frame, but perhaps this will get you started. You can define a new block style using \defineblockstyle, which allows you to set-up the characteristics of the block as you want them. I have then wrapped this new block inside a \myblock command that can be used to create a single bloc in a particular style. By default, it creates block in the "MyBlock" style but it can be used for any style:

\myblock{title}{content}%           a block in the "MyBlock" style
\myblock[Envelope]{title}{content}% a block in the "Envelope" style

Secondly I have defined the "MyBlock" style to do what I think you want. With this in place your MWE produces:

enter image description here

Here is the full code:

\documentclass[25pt, a1papper, portrait]{tikzposter}
\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering dsfds sdfsfd}}
\institute{fsdfs sdfdsfds}

\defineblockstyle{MyBlock}{% define a custom style for a block
    titlewidthscale=0.8, bodywidthscale=1, titlecenter,
    titleoffsetx=0pt, titleoffsety=0pt, bodyoffsetx=0pt, bodyoffsety=15mm,
    bodyverticalshift=15mm, roundedcorners=22, linewidth=5pt,
    titleinnersep=8mm, bodyinnersep=8mm
    \draw[rounded corners=\blockroundedcorners, inner sep=\blockbodyinnersep,
          line width=\blocklinewidth, color=black,
          top color=titlebgcolor!90, bottom color=titlebgcolor!20!white,
      (blockbody.south west) rectangle (blockbody.north east); %
        \draw[rounded corners=\blockroundedcorners, inner sep=\blocktitleinnersep,
          top color=titlebgcolor!90, bottom color=titlebgcolor!20!white,
          line width=\blocklinewidth, color=black, %fill=blocktitlebgcolor
      (blocktitle.south west) rectangle (blocktitle.north east); %




    \myblock{Objectives}{% use custom block to define the objectives
      \blindtext \vspace{2cm}

    \block{Something else}{Here, \blindtext \vspace{4cm}}
        {e-mail \texttt{sharelatex@sharelatex.com}}}

    \block{A figure}

    \block{Description of the figure}{\blindtext}
bodyoffsety=1em,titlewidthscale=.6, bodywidthscale=.8, roundedcorners=14,
linewidth=8mm, bodyinnersep=4em, titleinnersep=2em]
{Sample Block}{Text\\Text\\Text Text}