[Tex/LaTex] Blocks overflow the poster using tikzposter


How can i change the paper size in tikzposter?

told me how to set the paper size to the one I need. There is a problem though, the blocks overflow the set size:

blocks overflow here

My minimal LaTeX file is



\title{Super-scientific poster}
\author{Smart Author}
\institute{Famous University}








What do I need to let tikzposter blocks know the poster width?

Best Answer

You have to adjust the textwidth and textheight suitable for the paper dimensions. To do that add the following lines to your preamble.

\setlength{ \TP@visibletextheight}{120cm}



%\geometry{paperwidth=841mm,paperheight=1189mm}   %% aopaper sizes

\setlength{ \TP@visibletextheight}{120cm}

\title{Super-scientific poster}
\author{Smart Author}
\institute{Famous University}








enter image description here