[Tex/LaTex] How to make the title of the BeamerPoster appear on the same page as the actual poster


Here is a minimal example:




\title[S. N. A. E. L.]{Social Network Analysis in English Literature}
\author{Sean Allred}
\institute{University College Dublin%
%\\An Col\'aiste Ollscoile, Baile \'Atha Cliath
\date{26 April 2013}


This produces two posters, one for the title, and another for the actual content. It must be possible, but every 'desirable' poster (i.e. with the title in the right place) uses an as-yet-indecipherable-to-me beamertheme*.sty to do the work. I've only just started working with Beamer, and everything is still very confusing (although Beamer theme styles seem to be notoriously so).

Ideally, I'd just like to have the title centered at the top (in a readable title-size font) and the ability to slap a logo in either corner.


enter image description here

Best Answer

The following answer is based on your code, but please be aware that it is possibile to follow a completely different approach to solve your problem. You may, for example, get rid of the \title, \author, etc. macros and insert the same information in a normal or custom block enviroment, so to have more control over it. Anyway, the following code tries to follow your MWE:

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0]{beamerposter} %2378 x 1682


\title[S. N. A. E. L.]
\parbox{.5\textwidth}{\hfil \huge Social Network Analysis in English Literature\hfil}%
\author{\Large Sean Allred}
\institute{\Large University College Dublin%
%\\An Col\'aiste Ollscoile, Baile \'Atha Cliath
\date{\Large 26 April 2013}


\vskip 50mm

enter image description here

To set the space for the logos in the topleft and right corners three \parbox have been created inside \title. Depending on the length of the title it may be needed to change the parboxes width (in the example I used .25 for the left and right parboxes and .5 for the center one).

If you want the logo only on one side, just remove one of the two includegraphicsand leave the parbox empty.

To show the title in the same page of the content I insterted the \maketitle inside a beamercolorbox.

To change the text size you could use the standard commands (as I did in the example) or scale everything using the option scale=<value> when loading the beamerposter package

Removing external margins from the colorbox

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0]{beamerposter} %2378 x 1682



\title[S. N. A. E. L.]
\parbox{.5\textwidth}{\hfil \huge Social Network Analysis in English Literature\hfil}%
\author{\Large Sean Allred}
\institute{\Large University College Dublin%

\date{\Large 26 April 2013}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=0cm,text margin right=0cm} %removes left and right margins 


\vspace{-5pt}             %removes margin between headline and colorbox
\vskip 50mm

\centering\begin{minipage}{82cm}     %introduces a new margin for the content

enter image description here