[Tex/LaTex] How to ‘lengthen’ a TikZ path


Instead of to shorten a TikZ path, i need to lengthen a path. But I could not find a lengthen key.

  \foreach \LP@dir/\LP@length in {#3}%
  \foreach \LP@fw@dir/\LP@fw@length in {#4}%
      \draw[-|,color=blue,line width=.1cm
            %,lengthen >=3mm
  \node[fill=white,font=\LARGE] at (#1.5,#2.5) {#3};%
  \draw (1,1) grid[step=1] (5,4);


Is there a way to lengthen the paths?

Best Answer

Although it's not documented one can use the shorten key with a negative value to lengthen a path!

Just add shorten >=-3mm to the original MWE to get the desired result!

  \foreach \LP@dir/\LP@length in {#3}%
  \foreach \LP@fw@dir/\LP@fw@length in {#4}%
      \draw[-|,color=blue,line width=.1cm,shorten >=-3mm]%
  \node[fill=white,font=\LARGE] at (#1.5,#2.5) {#3};%
  \draw (1,1) grid[step=1] (5,4);

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