[Tex/LaTex] tikz: How to mirror the path decoration “text along path”


I'd like to create labeled nested ellipses in tikz. The labels should follow the
shape of the ellipses. I used a path decoration with pre to move the label to
the right place, but I couldn't figure out: a): how to turn it [the mirror
option mirrors it in the wrong way] and b): as soon as I include pre and pre
, other options (such as raise or mirror) do not seem to be respected
anymore. Has anyone an idea how to solve this?


\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.text}


  % ellipses
  \filldraw[fill=gray!10, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (6.4cm and 3.2cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!20, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (4.8cm and 2.4cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!30, draw=gray!80,
                        decoration={pre=moveto, pre length=3cm, raise=4mm, text along path, text={|\tt|Function 2}}}]
           (0,0) ellipse (3.2cm and 1.6cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!40, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (1.6cm and 0.8cm) node
  {\texttt{Function 1}};

Best Answer

Instead of decorate the ellipse, you can decorate an arc of this ellipse. And you can choose the direction of this arc.

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.text}
  % ellipses
  \filldraw[fill=gray!10, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (6.4cm and 3.2cm);
      text along path,
      text={|\tt|Function 4},
      text align=center,
  }] (0,0) ++(110:6.4cm and 3.2cm) arc(110:70:6.4cm and 3.2cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!20, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (4.8cm and 2.4cm);
      text along path,
      text={|\tt|Function 3},
      text align=center,
  }] (0,0) ++(110:4.8cm and 2.4cm) arc(110:70:4.8cm and 2.4cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!30, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (3.2cm and 1.6cm);
      text along path,
      text={|\tt|Function 2},
      text align=center,
  }] (0,0) ++(110:3.2cm and 1.6cm) arc(110:70:3.2cm and 1.6cm);
  \filldraw[fill=gray!40, draw=gray!80] (0,0) ellipse (1.6cm and 0.8cm) node
  {\texttt{Function 1}};