[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: Text along path


There is a node-to-node path and I want a text to be aligned to it.
Also, [xshift=5mm] and [xshift=-5mm], which is supposed to ensure that the path ends do not touch the node boundary, doesn't seem to have any effect.
I read the p.338-340 of the Manual.





    fuzzy/.style = {decorate, decoration = {random steps, segment length = 0.5mm, amplitude = 0.15pt}},
    ns/.style = {
        minimum size = 6mm, 
        rounded corners = 3mm,
        very thick,
        font = \ttfamily,

\newcommand{\bbrect}[3]{\node[rectangle,fuzzy,draw,fit=(B-#1-1.north west) (B-#2-1.south east), inner sep = 0pt] (block#3) {}}
\newcommand{\cbl}[2]{\node[rectangle,fuzzy,draw,fit=(C-#1-1.north west) (C-#1-1.south east), inner sep = 0pt] (cblock#2) {}}

\begin{tikzpicture} [
        >=latex, thick, 
        /pgf/every decoration/.style = {/tikz/sharp corners}, minimum size = 6mm
            \matrix (B) [matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement = \&] {

        \begin{scope}[xshift = 5cm]
            \matrix (C) at ([xshift = 5cm]B-1-1.north east) [anchor=C-1-1.north west, matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement = \&] {

    \draw[postaction={decoration={text along path,text = {merging a contiguous run},text align=fit to path},decorate}]
        ([xshift=5mm]block7) -- ([xshift=-5mm]$(cblock7.north)!.5!(cblock7.south)$);

        \foreach \i in {1,...,15} {
            \path[draw,dotted] (block\i.north east) -- (cblock\i.north west);
            \path[draw,dotted] (block\i.south east) -- (cblock\i.south west);



Best Answer

To avoid touching the path's ends, you could add pre length and post length options do the decoration, such as:

\draw[postaction={decoration={text along path,
  text = {merging a contiguous run}, text align=fit to path,
  pre length=2em, post length=2em},decorate}]
    (block7) -- ($(cblock7.north)!.5!(cblock7.south)$);