[Tex/LaTex] Numerical conditional within tikz keys


I would like to set up a presentation in which different parts of the same tikz picture appear, depending on the value of one, perhaps more, integer variables. I tried at first using a fixed picture, with changing the visibility of the different path elements of it, depending on the slide number, but this did not scale. There are about 150 slides in a single frame.

Then, I tried an alternative in which the entire picture is defined as a macro, which is invoked once per slide, with different portions showing based on global conditions. However, I failed in including conditionals within the keys.

Here is a not so minimal and certainly not working example demonstrating my failures. Any help would be appreciated:




  \begin{scope}[start chain = going right]
      \node[draw, circle, on chain] {
      \ifnum \value{count} > 1
      {Count is greater than s}
  \node[draw, circle, on chain,opacity=0] {B};
  \node[draw, circle, on chain,  \ifnum \value{count} > 1\relax invisible\fi] {C};
    \node[draw, circle, on chain] {D};


\ifnum \value{count} > 1
{Count is greater than 1}
\ifnum \value{count} > 2
{Count is greater than s}



Here is a minimal example giving an idea of the expected result, but of course, without achieving it:

  \begin{scope}[start chain = going below]
      \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only when counter is between 1 and 3};
  \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only when counter is negative}; %
  \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only if counter is between 100 and 200};
  \node[draw, circle, on chain] {only when counter is in the range 3 to 20};


Best Answer

I am definitely unfamiliar with both beamer and tikz (do not quite get what the \only are supposed to do) but perhaps this could go in the direction you want:


% helper macro:
\long\def\GobToSemiColon #1;{}

  \begin{scope}[start chain = going below]
  \ifnum\value{count}<1 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \ifnum\value{count}>3 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only when counter is between
    1 and 3};

  \ifnum\value{count}>-1 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only when counter is

  \ifnum\value{count}<100 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \ifnum\value{count}>200 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi  
  \node[draw, rectangle, on chain] {display only if counter is between
    100 and 200};

  \ifnum\value{count}<3 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \ifnum\value{count}>20 \expandafter\GobToSemiColon\fi
  \node[draw, circle, on chain] {only when counter is in the range 3 to 20};

