[Tex/LaTex] How to define the default vertical distance between nodes


Use positioning can control the individual vertical position of nodes. But is there any way to control the default vertical spacing?



\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3.5cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em, node distance=3.5cm,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse, node distance=3.5cm, minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm, auto]
  \node [block] (1st) {1st};
  \node [block, right of=1st]  (2nd1) {2nd1};
  \node [block, above=0.7cm of 2nd1] (2nd2) {2nd2};
  \node [block, below of=2nd1] (2nd3) {2nd3};
  \node [block, right of=2nd1] (3rd1) {3rd1};
  \node [block, above of=3rd1] (3rd2) {3rd2};
  \node [block, above of=3rd2] (3rd3) {3rd3};
  \node [block, below of=3rd1] (3rd4) {3rd4};
  \node [block, below of=3rd4] (3rd5) {3rd5};

  \path [line] (1st) -- (2nd1);
  \path [line] (2nd1) -- (2nd2);
  \path [line] (2nd1) -- (2nd3);
  \path [line] (2nd2) -- (3rd3);
  \path [line] (2nd1) -- (3rd1);
  \path [line] (1st) -- (2nd1);


Like this. I changed the vertical position of 2nd2 but others remains. Do I have to add individual vertical spacing control of every nodes?

Best Answer

I don't really get the question so I hope this is what you wanted. If you include a full document (such that we copy paste and see the problem on our systems) things are much more easier.

Here, you can change the default setting within a scope but your block style had a node distance which was resetting every time it is issued. I've made it 2mm such that we can see the difference easier.


\begin{tikzpicture}[decision/.style={diamond, draw, text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3.5cm, inner sep=0pt},
                    block/.style   ={rectangle, draw, text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em, minimum height=2em},
                    cloud/.style   ={draw, ellipse, minimum height=2em},
                    line/.style    ={draw,-latex'},
                    node distance = 1cm, 
    \node [block] (1st) {1st};
    \node [block, right= of 1st]  (2nd1) {2nd1};
\begin{scope}[node distance=2mm and 10mm]%Here we change it for everything inside this scope
    \node [block, above= of 2nd1] (2nd2) {2nd2};
    \node [block, below= of 2nd1] (2nd3) {2nd3};
    \node [block, right= of 2nd1] (3rd1) {3rd1};
    \node [block, above= of 3rd1] (3rd2) {3rd2};
    \node [block, above= of 3rd2] (3rd3) {3rd3};
    \node [block, below= of 3rd1] (3rd4) {3rd4};
    \node [block, below= of 3rd4] (3rd5) {3rd5};

    \path [line] (1st) -- (2nd1);
    \path [line] (2nd1) -- (2nd2);
    \path [line] (2nd1) -- (2nd3);
    \path [line] (2nd2) -- (3rd3);
    \path [line] (2nd1) -- (3rd1);
    \path [line] (1st) -- (2nd1);

enter image description here

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