TikZ: “local bounding box” in nested scopes


I'm trying to define a new environment that will draw a rectangle around its content. The problems begin when those environments are nested because the "local bounding box" is a kind of a global thing. Using unique names for outer and inner scopes solves the problem.


    \begin{scope}[draw, local bounding box=bounding box 0]
    \node [draw, fit=(bounding box 0)] {};

    \begin{scope}[draw, local bounding box=bounding box 1]
    \node [draw, fit=(bounding box 1)] {};

            \node at (0,0) {test 1};

            \node at (1,1) {test 2};


What I want is to avoid defining different environments for every possible nesting level because I'm going to draw complex diagrams using this.

I found another topic that solves a very similar problem: Passing current counter value to stack data structure

They define some sort of a stack to store a counter and use that counter to form a name.
The problem is that it does not really work with scopes:


%Define stack data structure commands (\push, \pop, \splitstack)




%Define bracket pair counting commands (\openbracket, \closebracket)

    \global\expandafter\edef\csname beginscopenumber\endcsname{\themycounter}%
    \begin{scope} [local bounding box=bounding box \beginscopenumber]
    \node [draw, fit=(bounding box \endscopenumber)] {};

            \node at (0,0) {test 1};

            \node at (1,1) {test 2};


The outer rectangle surrounds only the last nested scope. I will appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

Best Answer

Here is a simple method with a counter:


  \begin{scope}[local bounding box/.expanded=bounding box \themyscopelevel]
  \node [draw, fit=(bounding box \themyscopelevel)] {};

            \node at (0,0) {test 1};

            \node at (1,1) {test 2};

And here's an even simpler version using the locality of a macro within a group:


  \begin{scope}[local bounding box/.expanded=bounding box \myscopelevel]
  \node [draw, fit=(bounding box \myscopelevel)] {};

            \node at (0,0) {test 1};

            \node at (1,1) {test 2};