[Tex/LaTex] TikZ/ERD: node (=Entity) label on the inside


I'm trying to draw an ERD diagram.
I recycled code from a couple of posts around here and added my own spice, finally ending up with:




  \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by0.25\pgflinewidth%

  \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by0.25\pgflinewidth%

  \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by0.25\pgflinewidth%

  \advance\pgfutil@tempdima by0.25\pgflinewidth%


            rounded corners,             
            inner sep=2pt,
            every entity/.try,
    entity anchor/.style={matrix anchor=#1},
    every entity/.style={
    every property/.style={
        inner xsep=0.20cm, inner ysep=0.075cm, anchor=west, text width=1in
    zig zag to/.style={
        to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget)}
    zig zag to/.default=0.5,
    many to one/.style={
        many-one, zig zag to
    one to omany/.style={
        one-omany, zig zag to
\def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{#1};}
    \foreach \p in {#1}{%



\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\ttfamily}, node distance=0.5in]

\matrix [entity=Rent] {
        ID : int(11), 
        StartDate :  datetime,
        EndDate : datetime,
        PickupDate : datetime,
        ReturnDate : datetime,
        PickupMiles : int(11),
        ReturnMiles : int(11),
        Missing :  bool, 
        VehicleVIN  :  varchar(255),
        EmployeeUsername :  varchar(255),
        CustomerID :  int(11),
        DepartureGarage :  int(11),
        ArrivalGarage : int(11),
        OfferID : int(11),
        Kasko : bool,
        TPI :  bool, 
        CDW :  bool,
        TW  :  bool,
        DER :  bool,
        RestrictAge :  bool,
        ExtraMileageUnits :  int(11)      

\matrix [entity=Employee, above=of Rent] {
        Username :  varchar(255),
        Password :  varchar(255),        
        Name :  varchar(255),
        LastName :  varchar(255)

\matrix [entity=Vehicle, left= of Rent] {
    VIN : varchar(255),
    Plate : varchar(255),
    Seating : int(11),
    Doors : int(11),
    4WD : bool,
    Year : int(11),
    Diesel : bool,
    Displacement : double,
    Consumption : double,
    LPG : bool,
    ManualShift : bit,
    Autonomy : double,
    Discriminator : int(11),
    ModelID : int(11),
    HousedInGarage : int(11),
    Retired : bool,
    FullHybrid : bool,
    Mileage : int(11)

\draw[one to omany] (Vehicle) to (Rent);
\draw[one-omany] (Employee) to (Rent);



Now, I would like to have the label inside the node, maybe with a separator or something.
ATM I get:


But I would rather have:

enter image description here

Can anybody suggest a way to do so?

Thank you a whole lot.

Best Answer

I guess this is one way of doing it:


            rounded corners,             
            inner sep=2pt,
            every entity/.try,
    entity anchor/.style={matrix anchor=#1},
    every entity/.style={
    every property/.style={
        inner xsep=0.20cm, inner ysep=0.075cm, anchor=west, text width=1.75in
\def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{\propertysplit#1;};}
    \foreach \p in {#1}{%

\node[every entity name/.try] (\entityname-name) {\entityname};
\draw (\entityname-name.south west) -- (\entityname-name.south east);
  every entity name/.style={every property/.try, align=center}

\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\ttfamily}, node distance=0.5in]
\matrix [entity=Employee] {
        Username :  varchar(255),
        Password :  varchar(255),        
        Name :  varchar(255),
        LastName :  varchar(255)


enter image description here