[Tex/LaTex] tikz nodes inside node


I'm not sure how to position the three nodes inside the other "trustee characteristics". Have tried rectangle, however I guess this is not the right approach. Also the arrow should end/begin at the outside of the "outer node". The entire figure is out of center and two wide. How can I get it centered properly?

this it what it looks like

it should more look like this

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, calc, fit, positioning, chains, arrows.meta}

%%% styles for Figure: Structure of the paper %%%
\tikzset{arrow/.style = {thick,->,>=stealth,}}
\tikzset{arrow2/.style = {thick,dotted,->,>=stealth,}}
\tikzset{nearnodes/.style={node distance=0.8cm,}}
\tikzset{farnodes/.style={node distance=4.5cm}}

\tikzset{model1/.style = {rectangle, text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white!30,}}
\tikzset{model2/.style = {rectangle, text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white!30,}}


%%% nodes %%%
\node[farnodes] (DLE) [model1] {
\textbf{Digital Leadership Environment (DLE)}
\item Agile management and leadership
\item Hierarchies and networks
\item Dual system
\item Leadership on all levels
\item Project teams
\item Distributed and virtual team resources

\node[nearnodes] (benevolence) [model1, right =of DLE] {
  \item Create/Sustain supportive context
  \item Transformative leadership
  \item Coaching behaviour

\node[nearnodes] (ability) [model1, above =of benevolence] {
  \item Social capital/virtual impression
  \item Compelling direction
  \item Enabling Structure 

\node[nearnodes] (integrity) [model1, below =of benevolence] {
  \item Self organization and reliance
  \item Accountability
  \item Value congruence

\node[nearnodes] (trust) [model2, right =of benevolence] {
\textbf{Leadership trust}

\node[nearnodes] (individual) [model1, above =of trust] {
\textbf{Individual factors} 
  \item Leader reputation (trustee)
  \item Propensity and intention to trust (trustor)
  \item Perceived risk (trustor)

\node[nearnodes] (other) [model1, below =of trust] {
\textbf{Other factors} 
  \item Swift trust
  \item Cultural factors
  \item Trust violation
  \item Emotions

\node[nearnodes] (outcomes) [model1, right =of trust] {
  \item Employee and team performance
  \item Organizational citizenship behaviour
  \item Willingness to follow
  \item Communication
  \item Learning and knowledge sharing 

%%%% ARROWS %%%
\draw [arrow2] (DLE) -- (benevolence);
\draw [arrow] (benevolence) -- (trust);
\draw [arrow] (individual) -- (trust);
\draw [arrow] (other) -- (trust);
\draw [arrow] (trust) -- (outcomes);

\node[draw, thick, inner xsep=1em, inner ysep=1em, fit=(ability) (benevolence) (integrity)] (box) {};
\node[fill=white] at (box.north) {Trustee characteristics};

\caption{Integrated trust model} \label{fig:model}

Best Answer

Are you looking for this?

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, calc, fit, positioning, chains, arrows.meta}

%%% styles for Figure: Structure of the paper %%%
\tikzset{arrow/.style = {thick,->,>=stealth,}}
\tikzset{arrow2/.style = {thick,dotted,->,>=stealth,}}
\tikzset{nearnodes/.style={node distance=0.8cm,}}
\tikzset{farnodes/.style={node distance=4.5cm}}

\tikzset{model1/.style = {rectangle, text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white!30,}}
\tikzset{model2/.style = {rectangle, text width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white!30,}}


%%% nodes %%%
\node[farnodes] (DLE) [model1] {
\textbf{Digital Leadership Environment (DLE)}
\item Agile management and leadership
\item Hierarchies and networks
\item Dual system
\item Leadership on all levels
\item Project teams
\item Distributed and virtual team resources

\node[nearnodes] (benevolence) [model1, right =of DLE] {
  \item Create/Sustain supportive context
  \item Transformative leadership
  \item Coaching behaviour

\node[nearnodes] (ability) [model1, above =of benevolence] {
  \item Social capital/virtual impression
  \item Compelling direction
  \item Enabling Structure 

\node[nearnodes] (integrity) [model1, below =of benevolence] {
  \item Self organization and reliance
  \item Accountability
  \item Value congruence

\node[nearnodes] (trust) [model2, right =of benevolence] {
\textbf{Leadership trust}

\node[nearnodes] (individual) [model1, above =of trust] {
\textbf{Individual factors} 
  \item Leader reputation (trustee)
  \item Propensity and intention to trust (trustor)
  \item Perceived risk (trustor)

\node[nearnodes] (other) [model1, below =of trust] {
\textbf{Other factors} 
  \item Swift trust
  \item Cultural factors
  \item Trust violation
  \item Emotions

\node[nearnodes] (outcomes) [model1, right =of trust] {
  \item Employee and team performance
  \item Organizational citizenship behaviour
  \item Willingness to follow
  \item Communication
  \item Learning and knowledge sharing 

%%%% ARROWS %%%
\draw [arrow] (individual) -- (trust);
\draw [arrow] (other) -- (trust);
\draw [arrow] (trust) -- (outcomes);

\node[draw, thick, inner xsep=1em, inner ysep=1em, fit=(ability) (benevolence) (integrity)] (box) {};
\draw [arrow2] (DLE) -- (benevolence-|box.west);
\draw [arrow] (benevolence-|box.east) -- (trust);
\node[fill=white] at (box.north) {Trustee characteristics};

\caption{Integrated trust model} \label{fig:model}

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