MATLAB: Running distributed jobs

Parallel Computing Toolboxsubmitiing jobs

I'm trying to prepare and run a distributed job (not parallel). Using
%sched = findResource('scheduler','type','jobmanager')
%job1 = createJob(sched)
At the last step when I try to create task, using my scripts:
%createTask(job1, scriptFileName);
I get this error:
Attempt to execute SCRIPT high_dimensional_warping_job_1st as a function
I was wondering how I could submit my scripts as distributed jobs in MATLAB's parallel computing toolbox. It seems that running my scripts as batch jobs does not run as distributed job, but parallel job. I tried to run my script as a batchscript in matlabpool but it even took longer than running the script on a single machine (when comparing it to cluster of machines), that's why I have tried to construct different tasks in a job using my script files and then submit the job in a distributed way.
Any input on this is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You need to give the name of the script to the createTask function, like so:
sched = findResource(...);
job = createJob(sched);
task = createTask(job, 'scriptFileName');
This is basically equivalent to running
job = batch('scriptFileName', sched);
A single isolated task might run more slowly on a cluster because MATLAB workers run in "single computational thread" mode. You might be better trying to run lots of scripts simultaneously.