MATLAB: Is the communicating job stuck behind a concurrent job in queue in R2017b

clustercommunicatingcomputingconcurrentdistributedjobMATLABmdcsparallelParallel Computing Toolboxparforparpoolpctserverspmdtoolbox

I am running a communicating job on my local machine, but whenever I start it, a "concurrent" job also starts and seems to run forever, causing the other jobs stay queued.

Best Answer

The resolution is to avoid starting a parallel pool when submitting other jobs to the cluster.
The "parpool" object is generally used for interactive "parfor" or "smpd" operations. When the parallel pool is created with "parpool", it creates a concurrent job on the cluster that readies all of the workers to be available for when the user interactively calls "parfor" or "smpd". The concurrent job will continue running, causing other jobs to wait in queue until the parallel pool is shut down.