MATLAB: Can a worker registered with the MathWorks Job Manager be accessed from another scheduler (such as PBS)

dctlabMATLAB Parallel ServermdceParallel Computing Toolboxschedulerworker

One of my cluster computers is running a MATLAB worker associated with a MathWorks job manager. On the same machine, I want to start workers by using another scheduler. I want to know whether or not the original worker will be accessible to the other scheduler.

Best Answer

A worker is a MATLAB session executing on a machine (node), and is associated with a job manager or with the scheduler that created it. Multiple schedulers can execute tasks on the same machine. For each scheduler accessing the machine, a different MATLAB worker session is started.
Each worker is dedicated to its job manager or scheduler, even if the same machine is being used by different schedulers. An idle worker that is associated with a job manager remains available (idle) to that job manager when another scheduler starts a worker on the same machine.
Note that a worker started by a third-party scheduler runs for only as long as it takes it to evaluate its task, then it is stopped. A worker that is registered with a job manager remains running and available between tasks.