MATLAB: Do Tasks stay in the ‘queued’ state while their corresponding Job is in the ‘finished’ state when using the Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.1 (R2009a)

MATLAB Parallel Serverpct

I am using a third party scheduler with the Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.1 (R2009a). I use the FINDRESOURCE, CREATEJOB and CREATETASK commands to create a job with corresponding tasks as follows:
sched = findResource();
job1 = createJob(sched);
%Add tasks to the job.
for i = 1:3
createTask(job1, @rand, 1, {10});
% Run the job.
After submitting the job object, the job’s state Is set to 'finished':
>> job1.State
ans =
However, when I query the state of the created Task, it is still set to 'queued'
>> tasks = get(job1, 'Tasks')
>> tasks(1).State
ans =

Best Answer

In such cases, there is a possibility that the MATLAB code submitted in the Task did not execute and hence the task is still in a 'queued' state.
Execute the following command to view the job's file and check whether MATLAB failed to start up: