MATLAB: How can i implement multilevel parallelism on a parallel cluster distribute shared-memory

MATLAB Parallel ServerParallel Computing Toolbox

i am using a HPC architecture that it's made of 8 nodes, each blade consists of 2 quadcore processors sharing memory for a total of 8 cores and of 64 cores, in total. how can I set up a cluster profile to run my code on p (1=<p<=8) nodes? and fixed a node, how can I set up another cluster profile to run my (sequential) code on c (1=<c<=8) cores ? how many workers should I consider in both cases?

Best Answer

MATLAB does not support multi-level parallelism with the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
What it does support is allocating more than one thread (core) to a parallel worker. These threads can be used by MKL or LAPACK high performance libraries that automatically act in parallel without starting new processes.
You cannot, however, have a parallel worker run a parfor in order to have workers for workers.