TikZ wrong perspective


The perspective looks wrong. What's going on?
(Also, feel free to comment on anything that could be improved.)

  scale = 5,
  rotate around y = 50,
  dot/.style = {
    fill, draw, circle,
    inner sep = 0,
    minimum size = 2pt,

  \node [dot] (O) at (0, 0, 0) {};
  \filldraw [
    color = green,
    fill opacity = 0.25,
    (1,0,0) node [dot] (i) {} --
    (0,1,0) node [dot] (j) {} --
    (0,0,1) node [dot] (k) {} --
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(i)$);
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(j)$);
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(k)$);


bad perspective

Here is a version with a rotation of 30 instead.

bad perspective rot 30

The objective is the one below.

correct perspective

Best Answer

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
   x={(5,1)}, y={(0,4.3)}, z={(0.3,-0.8)},
   dot/.style = {
    fill, draw, circle,
    inner sep = 0,
    minimum size = 2pt,

  \node [dot] (O) at (0, 0, 0) {};
  \filldraw [
    color = green,
    fill opacity = 0.25,
    (1,0,0) node [dot] (i) {} --
    (0,1,0) node [dot] (j) {} --
    (0,0,1) node [dot] (k) {} --
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(i)$);
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(j)$);
  \draw [->] (O) -- ($1.3*(k)$);


Coordinate system with triangle