[Tex/LaTex] Vertical lines across page for each chapter


I want to make a "title page" for each chapter of a book, and it should have two vertical lines across the page (one thicker than the other), and the name of the chapter, as shown in the image below.

enter image description here

I don't know how to make the vertical lines and I don't know how to make the "title page" for each chapter.

I am using Texmaker in Windows.

This is the code after I included the suggestion of Werner:

\usepackage{graphicx, lipsum, lmodern}
\title{Serpientes venenosas de Honduras}
\author{Gustavo A. Cruz}

   \noindent\hspace*{.1\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{5pt}{3\textheight}}% Thick rule
   \hspace{.05\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{2pt}{3\textheight}}% Thin rule
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
      \@chapapp\space \scalebox{2}{\thechapter}
      \vskip 30\p@
       \fontsize{45\p@}{55\p@} \bfseries #1
    \noindent\hspace*{.1\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{5pt}{3\textheight}}%        Thick rule
   \hspace{.05\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{2pt}{3\textheight}}% Thin rule
   \fontsize{45\p@}{55\p@} \bfseries #1


Best Answer

Here is a really old-school approach to reproduce the layout:

enter image description here

\usepackage{graphicx,lipsum,lmodern}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,lipsum,lm}
  \noindent\hspace*{.1\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{5pt}{3\textheight}}% Thick rule
  \hspace{.05\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{2pt}{3\textheight}}% Thin rule
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \@chapapp\space \scalebox{2}{\thechapter}
        \vskip 30\p@
    \fontsize{45\p@}{55\p@} \bfseries #1
  \noindent\hspace*{.1\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{5pt}{3\textheight}}% Thick rule
  \hspace{.05\linewidth}\smash{\rule[-2\textheight]{2pt}{3\textheight}}% Thin rule
    \fontsize{45\p@}{55\p@} \bfseries #1
\chapter{Name of the chapter}
\chapter*{Name of the chapter}

The chapter title macros \@makechapterhead and \@makeschapterhead are redefined (respectively used to set the header of a numbered and unnumbered/starred chapter). lmodern provides scaled fonts that can be enlarged beyond \Huge (the default for chapter titles), together with some graphicx scaling of the chapter number... why not.

Page numbers are removed using \thispagestyle{empty} (default used to be plain).