[Tex/LaTex] Change text from “chapter” to “section” for each new chapter


I'm trying to write an assigment using an LaTeX template I found.
However, I would like to change the template so that the text next to the title whenever the \chapter command is used is "Section" instead of "Chapter" as I don't think the assignment is big enough to name it "Chapters". It would be greatly appreciated if you can help me do that.

If you need my code you can find it below. However, it is quite long. I don't know how to format code in another than indenting by 4 spaces, which is quite tiresome for this amount of code.

%\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag} % Old habits die hard

% Stock and paper layout

\checkandfixthelayout                 % Check if errors!
\sideparmargin{outer}                 % Put sidemargins in outer position (why the fuck is this option not default by the class?)

% Large environments

\usepackage{listings}                 % Source code printer 
% Symbols
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb, latexsym} % AMS and other symbols

% Graphics and colors
\usepackage{graphicx}                 % Including graphics and using colours
\usepackage{xcolor}                   % Defined more color names
\usepackage{eso-pic}                  % Watermark and other bag

% Floating objets, captions and references
\usepackage[noabbrev,nameinlink,capitalise]{cleveref} % Clever references. Options: "fig. !1!" --> "!Figure 1!"
\letcountercounter{figure}{table}     % Consecutive table and figure numbering

% Table of contents (TOC)
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}              % Depth of table of content
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}           % Depth of section numbering

% Todos
\usepackage{totcount}                 % For total counting of counters
\usepackage[colorinlistoftodos]{todonotes} % Todonotes package for nice todos
                                           % (disable by option [disable])
\newtotcounter{todocounter}           % Creates counter in todo
\newcommand*{\mylistoftodos}{% Only show list if there are todos

% Prefrontmatter

% Chapterstyle



        \vphantom{\printchaptername\chapternamenum\chapnumfont 1}

    % egen ændring


    \renewcommand*{\printchaptertitle}[1]{\raggedleft \chaptitlefont ##1}
    \renewcommand*{\afterchaptertitle}{\vskip0.5\onelineskip \hrule \vskip1.3\onelineskip}


% Header and footer
\copypagestyle{cleared}{myruled}      % When \cleardoublepage, use myruled instead of empty
\makeevenhead{cleared}{\hffont\thepage}{}{} % Remove leftmark on cleared pages

\makeevenfoot{plain}{}{}{}            % No page number on plain even pages (chapter begin)
\makeoddfoot{plain}{}{}{}             % No page number on plain odd pages (chapter begin)


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