[Tex/LaTex] Displaying author for each chapter in book


I am preparing a book in which each chapter is contributed by different people.I want to include their name after the chapter title.How to I do it.If I use \maketitle it is useing the title and author name for the book. Here is the MWE:

\author{S.Subham Soni}
%\title{A Sample Test} --> I don't want to use this
\chapter{This is a test}

Best Answer

Why don't define a new command \chapterauthor


and use it in this way?




\chapter{This is a test}
\chapterauthor{S.Subham Soni}



enter image description here


Just in case you want to add authors' info in the ToC, here is a different version.

Use the starred version of \chapterauthor (\chapterauthor*) in correspondence of starred chapters (\chapter*).







\chapter{1st chapter}
\chapterauthor{K.DINESH KUMAR \\ II Year B.Tech CSE}

\section{A section}

\chapter{2nd chapter}
\chapterauthor{S.Subham Soni}

\section{A section}

\chapter*{3rd chapter}

Output (ToC):

enter image description here