[Tex/LaTex] Insert page before each chapter


I would like to insert a page before each chapter with the tile of the chapter.
How we can accomplish this in latex…?

The structure of my latex document is as below:


\fancyfoot[C] {\thepage}




%references will go here


I want a page before each chapter starts consisting the title of the chapter…For example, if the chapter one named "Some Chapter Name" is starting from page number 10, then I would like to insert a page before page number 10 having the text " Chapter 1 Some Chapter Name

Best Answer

Redefine the chapter command to execute some start code before, in its easyiest form, you have to use a clearpage before, using the old pagestyle, then use plain pagestyle and add the page code, afterwards switch back to old fancy pagestyle.

Since there are \chapter[]{} and \chapter{} forms of the \chapter command, both have to be catched.


\fancyfoot[C] {\thepage}


\clearpage% Clearpage first, then use pagestyle plain
\Huge \textbf{\chaptername~\thechapter}%%

%% Add more space here, do more formatting also here










\chapter{Some sophisticated chapter}%

\chapter{Another sophisticated chapter}%


\chapter{Yet another sophisticated chapter}%


%references will go here



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