[Tex/LaTex] trouble getting Tikz matrix to compile


In advance of a summer class I'm teaching, I decided to try compiling my notes, which I haven't touched in any way, shape or fashion for 4-5 months. However, in that interval, I've updated laTeX packages as new updates have come online (using MikTeX 2.9). I have a large number of lectures containing tikzpictures, of the following general form (all of which used to compile perfectly):




    \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,line width=0.75pt]
   \matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em]
   { \node[circle,draw,font=\small,minimum width=1cm] {\sffamily{1}};  &   \node[circle,draw,font=\small,minimum width=1cm]{\sffamily{2}}; &  \node[circle,draw,font=\small,minimum width=1cm]    {\sffamily{3}}; \\};
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_o$} (a-1-2);
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start] {$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;


When I try to compile the preceding MWE, I get all sorts of error messages about 'no shape named a-1-1 is know…' etc. etc.

Which I find odd, because clearly, when it compiled perfectly before, said shape was known. I gather something has changed.

Any insights/pointers to the obvious most appreciated.

Best Answer

Things have changed with tikz v3.


   \tikzset{mynode/.style={circle,draw,font=\small,minimum width=1cm,font=\sffamily}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,line width=0.75pt]
   \matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em]
    {|[mynode]|1  &   |[mynode]|2 &  |[mynode]|3 \\};
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_o$} (a-1-2);
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start] {$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;


enter image description here

BTW \sffamily{1} is wrong as \sffamily is a switch. Use font=\sffamily as the option to the node instead..


You can customize each node by putting the attributes in a \tikzset. This way you have more control over the individual nodes.


   \tikzset{mynode/.style={circle,draw,font=\small,minimum width=1cm,font=\sffamily},
            every node/.style={minimum width=1cm},

    \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,line width=0.75pt]
   \matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em]
    {|[firstnode]|1  &   |[secondnode]|2 &  |[thirdnode]|3 \\};
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_o$} (a-1-2);
 \path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start] {$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
 \path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;


enter image description here

This way the styles will be usable across tikzpictures.