[Tex/LaTex] Tikz, scope scaled, and shared node


In order to include a small sub-figure in my main figure, I tried to use scaled scope. However, when I try to refer to a node out of the scaled scope, the node pointed is at the position of the old non-scaled node… Here is a picture :

enter image description here

Do you know how to avoid that ?

Thank you !

PS : Here is my WME.



    \begin{scope}[transform canvas={scale=1},overlay]
      \node[fill=green]   (a) {A};
      \node[fill=green,right=of a] (b) {B};
    \node[draw,below=5mm of b] (c) {C};
    \draw[<->] (c) -- (b);
    \begin{scope}[transform canvas={scale=0.2},overlay]
      \node[fill=green]   (a) {A};
      \node[fill=green,right=of a] (b) {B};
    \node[draw,below=5mm of b] (c) {C};
    \draw[<->] (c) -- (b);


Best Answer

Perhaps you want this?

scaled and unscaled



    \node[fill=green]   (a) {A};
    \node[fill=green,right=of a] (b) {B};
    \node[draw,below=5mm of b] (c) {C};
    \draw[<->] (c) -- (b);
    \begin{scope}[scale=0.2, every node/.append style={transform shape}]
      \node [fill=green]   (a) {A};
      \node [fill=green,right=of a] (b) {B};
    \node [draw,below=5mm of b] (c) {C};
    \draw [<->] (c) -- (b);
