[Tex/LaTex] setting a tikzset which has draw inside as style of a \node


I need to get different color edges for my rectangular nodes.

I found this question
How do I set only one side of a tikz node's border color?

The \tikzset mentioned in the answer has input arguments and I don't know how to set them when used with \node.

I have tried to remove the arguments and set the styles but the all I get is a xetex in infinite loop.

mynode/.style ={
       \draw[thick,red,line cap=butt,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth,shorten >= 0.5\pgflinewidth] (a.south west) |- (a.north east);
       \draw[thick,blue,line cap=butt,shorten <= 0.5\pgflinewidth,shorten >= -0.5\pgflinewidth] (a.south west) -| (a.north east);

\tikzstyle{main}=[rectangle, minimum width = 30mm,minimum height = 50mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 6mm]

    \node[main] (m)  {$A$ };
    \node[mynode] [right=of m] (x2) { $R$}; %commenting this line out with eliminate the infinite loop

thanks in advance

Best Answer

if you looking for something like this

enter image description here

than the following MWE can be of help:

\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}
    mynode/.style = {rectangle, 
    path picture={%
    \draw[thick,red]    (\ppbb.south west) |- (\ppbb.north east);
    \draw[thick,blue]   (\ppbb.south west) -| (\ppbb.north east);
                },% end of path picture
        }% end of tikzset
\node (x2) [mynode] {$R$};    

edit: or slightly different appearance

enter image description here

obtained with the following (slightly modified) code:

\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}
    myline/.style={draw=#1, thick, shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth},
    mynode/.style = {rectangle, 
    path picture={%
    \draw[myline=red]    (\ppbb.south west) |- (\ppbb.north east);
    \draw[myline=blue]   (\ppbb.north east) |- (\ppbb.south west);
                },% end of path picture
        }% end of tikzset
\node (x2) [mynode] {$R$};    