[Tex/LaTex] Problem with TikZ and vertical alignment of text inside nodes

diagramstikz-pgfvertical alignment

I have a problem in TikZ with the vertical alignment of text inside nodes.

With a very minimal example like this:


  thick, shorten >=1pt,
  node distance=7mm,
    rectangle, rounded corners=9pt,
    text width=11em,
    text centered,
    minimum height=3em,

\node[noname] (configload) {Loads config};
\node[noname] (varsdec) [right=of configload] {New variables};

\path (configload) edge node {} (varsdec);


I get this diagram:

simple diagram generated

which has the text wrongly aligned because of the letter g in the first box. It can be seen better if we cut this diagram, showing only text:

only text

Which is the parameter I have to set in order to align the text correctly?

Best Answer

This situation is described in Section 5.1 Styling the Nodes of the pgfmanual; one possible solution is to explicitly declare height and depth for the nodes:



  thick, shorten >=1pt,
  node distance=7mm,
    rectangle, rounded corners=9pt,
    text height=1.5ex,
    text depth=.25ex,
    text width=11em,
    text centered,
    minimum height=3em,

\node[noname] (configload) {Loads config};
\node[noname] (varsdec) [right=of configload] {New variables};

\path (configload) edge node {} (varsdec);



Here I add an image showing that now the baseline of the text is aligned:

The red line showing the alignment was obtained by adding

\draw[help lines,red,<->] let \p1 = (configload.base), \p2 = (varsdec.base) in (-1.5,\y1) -- (6.5,\y1)
(-1.5,\y2) -- (6.5,\y2);

to the example code above.