[Tex/LaTex] Vertical text alignment between TikZ nodes with multiple lines of text

tikz-pgfvertical alignment

I have three nodes of equal size which contain text of different lengths. This causes line breaks in two of the nodes.

I would like all of the text to be aligned with the last line of text in the third node. I have fiddled with text depth but because LaTeX reads the text in the third node as one line I don't think it's working the way I want it to.

Is there a simple solution to this problem? Any guidance is appreciated!



  \node [draw, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em, align = center] (node1) {One line};    
  \node [draw, right = 1cm of node1, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em, align = center] (node2) {One linebreak};
  \node [draw, right = 1cm of node2, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em, align = center] (node3) {This text has two linebreaks};


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Best Answer

You could place the text separately from the boxes:



  \node [draw, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em] (node1) {};
  \node [draw, right = 1cm of node1, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em] (node2) {};
  \node [draw, right = 1cm of node2, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em] (node3) {};
  \node[text width=5em, align=center] (node3text) at (node3.center) {This text has two linebreaks};
  \node[anchor=south, text width=5em, align=center] at (node3text.south -| node2.center) {One linebreak};
  \node[anchor=south, text width=5em, align=center] at (node3text.south -| node1.center) {One line};


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