[Tex/LaTex] Passing arguments to \def inside \newcommand (TikZ/PGF)


I'm having trouble passing an argument to \pgfmathparse inside a macro I defined. Here is the code:




    \draw (0,0) -- (\endpt,0);


I must confess, I'm quite clueless why I get the error:

Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 14

Best Answer

In the \draw command in your version \endpt is expanded to \pgfmathparse{#1+#2}\pgfmathresult. So you get

\draw (0,0) -- (\pgfmathparse{#1+#2}\pgfmathresult,0);

which greatly confuses TikZ.

Instead you should set \endpt to the result of the calculation, either via


as Peter suggested or equivalently via


Alternatively for this MWE you can of course simply do

    \draw (0,0) -- ({#1+#2},0);