[Tex/LaTex] Overlap in graphing TikZ picture


I'm drawing trees in graph theory. Some of the nodes are overlapped. Can anyone help?

 % Red-black tree
    % Author: Madit

      treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered,
      arn_n/.style = {treenode, circle,black, draw=black, text width=1.5em}% arbre rouge noir, noeud noir
      %arn_r/.style = {treenode, circle, black, draw=black, 
        %text width=1.5em},% arbre rouge noir, noeud rouge
      %arn_x/.style = {treenode, circle, black, draw=black, 
       % text width=1.5em}% arbre rouge noir, nil

    \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',level/.style={sibling distance = 5cm/#1,
      level distance = 1.5cm}] 
    \node [arn_n] {4}
        child{ node [arn_n] {3} 
                child{ node [arn_n] {1} 
                    child{ node [arn_n] {5} } %for a named pointer
                                child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
       child{ node [arn_n] {3} 
                child{ node [arn_n] {1} 
                    %child{ node [arn_n] {5} } %for a named pointer
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
        child{ node [arn_n] {3} 
                child{ node [arn_n] {1} 
                    %child{ node [arn_n] {5} } %for a named pointer
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}
                child{ node [arn_n] {2}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {18}}
                                %child{ node [arn_n] {}}


enter image description here

Best Answer

With forest you don't have to worry computing sibling distances, it will do it for you.


    for tree={circle, draw, minimum width=1cm,anchor=center,fit=rectangle}
[4 [3 [1 [5] []] [2] [2]]                     
   [3 [1 [5] []] [2] [2]]                     
   [3 [1 [5] []] [2] [2]]]

enter image description here