[Tex/LaTex] Increase the bending distance of a “to“ path in TikZ


I have problem with an small graph. The path between the node J and B should to the right of node I.

Is there a way to do this?


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial/.style    ={}]
    \node[state]        (0)                     {};
    \node[state]        (A) [below =of 0]       {};
    \node[state]        (B) [below =of A]       {B};
    \node[state]        (C) [below left =of B]      {};
    \node[state]        (D) [below left =of C]      {};
    \node[state]        (E) [below right =of C]     {};
    \node[state]        (F) [below left =of D]      {};
    \node[state]        (G) [below right =of D]     {};
    \node[state]        (H) [below right =of E]     {};
    \node[state]        (I) [right =of H]       {I};
    \node[state]        (J) [yshift=-2cm,below right =of G]     {J};
    \node[state]        (X) [yshift=-1cm,below =of J]       {};
    \path   (0) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (A);
    \path   (A) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (B);
    \path   (B) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (C);
    \path   (C) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (D);
    \path   (C) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (E);
    \path   (D) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (F);
    \path   (D) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (G);
    \path   (E) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (H);
    \path   (B) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (I);
    \path   (F) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (G) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (H) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (I) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (J) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (X);
    \draw [->] (J) to [bend right=100 ] (B);
    %\path  (J) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (B); %similar problem



Best Answer

just tell him to move to the right by adding an intermediate point

j'ai rajouté la librairie : calc

et modifié le chemin: \draw [->] (J) to [out=0,in=-90] ($(I)+(1,0)$) to [out=90, in=0 ] (B);


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial/.style    ={}]
    \node[state]        (0)                     {};
    \node[state]        (A) [below =of 0]       {};
    \node[state]        (B) [below =of A]       {B};
    \node[state]        (C) [below left =of B]      {};
    \node[state]        (D) [below left =of C]      {};
    \node[state]        (E) [below right =of C]     {};
    \node[state]        (F) [below left =of D]      {};
    \node[state]        (G) [below right =of D]     {};
    \node[state]        (H) [below right =of E]     {};
    \node[state]        (I) [right =of H]       {I};
    \node[state]        (J) [yshift=-2cm,below right =of G]     {J};
    \node[state]        (X) [yshift=-1cm,below =of J]       {};

    \path   (0) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (A);
    \path   (A) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (B);
    \path   (B) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (C);
    \path   (C) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (D);
    \path   (C) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (E);
    \path   (D) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (F);
    \path   (D) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (G);
    \path   (E) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (H);
    \path   (B) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (I);
    \path   (F) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (G) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (H) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (I) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (J);
    \path   (J) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (X);

    \draw [->] (J) to [out=0,in=-90] ($(I)+(1,0)$) to [out=90, in=0 ] (B);
    %\path  (J) edge    [mystyle]   node    {}  (B); %similar problem


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