tikz-pgf – How to Use Values from a 2D Array in a TikZ Picture without Out of Bounds Error


I would like to use a list of values from a 2d array in a Tikz picture.

The code bellow works while using a random number :


But when I replace it with the following lines, it produces an "array out of bounds" errors (but indexes are right) :

\pgfmathparse{\myNotes[\b][\a]} \let\r\pgfmathresult <<<<< ***** problem...

Thanks for help.

Code that works :


% list of numbers : 2d array
\def \myNotes {{12,6,13,15}{16,11,15,13} {14,8,10,9}{16,13,10,5}{7,11,15,12}}



    \pgfmathsetseed{1} % for random
   \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.80]
    \foreach \y in {5,4,3,2,1}
       \node at (0,\y*-1) {t} ;
       \node at (0.25,\y*-1) {\y};
       \foreach \x in {1,2,3,4}
           % following ligne produce "array out of bounds" for each b and a
           % *******************************************************
           %\pgfmathparse{\myNotes[\b][\a]} \let\r\pgfmathresult
          \coordinate (C) at (0,0,0);
          \node[black,fill=yellow] (C) {\r};

** EDIT : update code that works the way I wanted (from percusse) :

(unnecessary lines have been removed…)

% **** declare a 2d array *********************************** OK

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.80]
 \foreach \y in {5,4,3,2,1}{
    \node at (0,\y*-1) {t} ;
   \node at (0.25,\y*-1) {\y};
   \foreach \x in {1,2,3,4}
        % get the value at index y-1 and x-1 ************************ OK 
        \coordinate (C) at (0,0,0);
        \node[black,fill=yellow] (C) {\r};

Best Answer

You are missing a set of braces and commas in your array. It should work if you write


Also, you can directly set r with


or manually converting to integer
