[Tex/LaTex] How to make add tick to node in tikz


I'm trying to draw a simple timeline in tikz. Here's what I have:



Ablauf der Schadenregulierung bei einem typischen Schadenfall
\\ \\

% Zeitstrahl zur Schadenregulierung
\draw[black, ultra thick, ->]
-- (2,0) node [below]{Schadeneintritt}

What I would like is for there to be a tick on the line at node "Schadeneintritt". I've tried adding tick to the options of the node but that produces an error (apparently tickz doesn't know the tick option). I'm still new to tikz and so far I've only found solutions for full blown axes / coordinate systems.

I know that I could do:

\draw (2,0.2) -- (2,-0.2);

but I wonder whether there's an easier solution (i.e. specifying this directly at the node).

Best Answer

Not sure if this is what you're looking to do. It's not as easy as you seem to want, but it is fairly straight-forward.


  \foreach \x in {0,1,2,...,10}
      \coordinate (A\x) at ($(0,0)+(\x*0.5cm,0)$) {};
      \draw ($(A\x)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(A\x)-(0,5pt)$);
      \node at ($(A\x)+(0,3ex)$) {\x};
  \draw[ultra thick,arrows=->] (A0) -- (A10) -- ($(A10)+1.5*(1,0)$);


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