[Tex/LaTex] How to change style in biblatex


How can I use change style in biblatex?

I want to use a specific style, probably ACM or IEEE and I don't know how to change that.

Below is the current code:


Best Answer

As an introduction to biblatex, you might want to read the biblatex tag info and maybe an example of basic usage.

biblatex comes with a variety of styles, these are described in the biblatex documentation (section 3.3), more styles can be found on CTAN. There exists a contributed style named IEEE or biblatex-ieee. You can easily use it as shown in the following MWE (or as in the comment by Harish Kumar):

% \addbibresource{MyCollection.bib}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \cite{sigfridsson}.
At vero eos et accusam duo dolores \cite{kastenholz}.

This MWE uses biber as a backend for sorting and \addbibresource{} instead of \bibliography{}.

An ACM style does not yet exist, you would have to define a style yourself. Again, Harish Kumar gave a good starting point for defining an ACM style. In the answer to that question, there are two examples, the first uses bibtex for formatting, the second example uses biblatex. These two should not be confused.