[Tex/LaTex] Change biblatex style locally in refsection


In the thesis that I am writing, I use biblatex with biber as the backend to print a list of references after each chapter and a global bibliography at the end. In the beginning of the document I need a list of my own publications.
For the overall bibliography I want to use the phys style without article titles. However, for the list of my own publications I need a more detailed list that includes for example the title. Currently (see MWE) I have a refsection that references the publications in question with nocite after which the printbibliography provides me with the desired list. How can I now change the style such, that this list and this list only in the document prints the title in the printbibliography command?



  title = {Title A},
  author = {A. Author},
  journal = {Journal A},
  year = {2016},
  title = {Title B},
  author = {B. Booker},
  journal = {Journal B},
  year = {2016},

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=phys, articletitle=false, biblabel=brackets, pageranges=false, block=ragged]{biblatex}


        The work presented in this thesis is based on the following publications
        Some publications are currently under peer review
        title={List of Publications},

\section{Some section}
This would be the main content, e.g. chapters where references are cited\cite{refB}.




Best Answer

There is no general method to change a style. But in many simple cases it it possible to do it by looking at the code. In your case the title is handled by a simple boolean that you can switch locally:


  title = {Title A},
  author = {A. Author},
  journal = {Journal A},
  year = {2016},
  title = {Title B},
  author = {B. Booker},
  journal = {Journal B},
  year = {2016},

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=phys, articletitle=false, biblabel=brackets, pageranges=false, block=ragged]{biblatex}


        The work presented in this thesis is based on the following publications
        Some publications are currently under peer review
        title={List of Publications},

\section{Some section}
This would be the main content, e.g. chapters where references are cited\cite{refB}.




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