[Tex/LaTex] biblatex messing up citation entry with lots of authors


Here is the citation:

  Author         = {Boker, S. and Neale, M. and Maes, H. and Wilde, M. and
                   Spiegel, M. and Brick, T. and Spies, J. and Estabrook,
                   R. and Kenny, S. and Bates, T. and others},
  Title          = {Open{M}x: {A}n open source extended structural
                   equation modeling framework},
  Journal        = {Psychometrika},
  Volume         = {76},
  Number         = {2},
  Pages          = {306--317},
  year           = 2011

Here is a test document:




OpenMx \parencite{boker2011}



I obtain this mess: Boker, S. et al., Neale, M. et al., Maes, H., et al., Wilde, M., et al., Spiegel, M., et al., Brick,
T., et al., . . . Et al., et al., et al., Bates, T., et al. (2011). OpenMx: An open source
extended structural equation modeling framework. Psychometrika, 76 (2), 306–317.
(Cit. on p. 17).

I thought maybe I had a bad mix of versions. I tried "tlmgr update –all". I have biblatex 2.8 installed and I just installed biber 1.8 from http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/. I still get too many "et al."


Best Answer

This problem is due to biblatex-apa's (apa.bbx's) apaauthor name format; you might want to notify the author of this small bug.

The string and others in the author list sets ifmorenames to true. apaauthor checks for this case whenever a name is printed, not just at the very end of the list; consequently it prints the andothers string ("et al.") after each name.

The fix is to add the following lines to your preamble.

  \ifthenelse{\value{listcount}=\value{listtotal}}% this test is new


Author = {Boker, S. and Neale, M. and Maes, H. and Wilde, M. and
Spiegel, M. and Brick, T. and Spies, J. and Estabrook,
R. and Kenny, S. and Bates, T. and others},
Title = {Open{M}x: {A}n open source extended structural
equation modeling framework},
Journal = {Psychometrika},
Volume = {76},
Number = {2},
Pages = {306--317},
year = 2011





OpenMx \parencite{boker2011,aksin,wilde,murray}


then yields

enter image description here

Update 2013-10: This has been corrected in biblatex-apa version 6.4 according to a comment below the question from user PLK.