[Tex/LaTex] How to align tikz node text vertically centered and horizontally left

horizontal alignmentnodestikz-pgfvertical alignment

Assume a tikzpicture consisting of three nodes with node text.

\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes, fit, positioning}

    block/.style = {rectangle, draw, rounded corners, text width=6.0cm,
       text depth=1.50cm, text height=0.4cm, line width=0.75pt},
    block_half/.style = {block, text width=2.75cm},
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto]
        \node [block, anchor=north east] (row0_col1) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux
        \node [block_half, right=1cm of row0_col1] (row0_col2) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux
        \node [block_half, right=1cm of row0_col2] (row0_col3) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux

How can I align the text in each node such that it is vertically centered and horizontally left?

Best Answer

If you don't specify text height and text depth, that is the default behaviour. To have them all the same height, set a minimum height.

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes, fit, positioning}

    block/.style = {rectangle, draw, rounded corners, text width=6.0cm,
        line width=0.75pt,minimum height=2.5cm},
    block_half/.style = {block, text width=2.75cm},
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto]
        \node [block, anchor=north east] (row0_col1) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux \\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux \\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux \\
        \node [block_half, right=1cm of row0_col1] (row0_col2) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux
            \textit{Baz:} Qux \\
        \node [block_half, right=1cm of row0_col2] (row0_col3) {
            \textbf{Foo Bar}\\
            \textit{Baz:} Qux