[Tex/LaTex] Drawing nodes by polar coordinates with translation


I have plotted 12 nodes in a circle with radius 2 and center (0,0) (I suppose). Now I want to plot it once more in the same figure but with centre (2,0), how could this be achieved? Many thanks for any help!

My current code:

    \foreach \a in {1,...,12}
        \node[vertex] (u\a) at ({\a*30}:2){};
    \caption*{\footnotesize{Figure 3}}

It looks like:

enter image description here

I have tried like ({\a*30}:2)+(2,0) but doesn't work.

Best Answer

si j'ai bien compris la question, une solution!

if I understand the question, a solution





    \foreach \aa in{0,5}{
    \begin{scope}[xshift=\aa cm]
    \foreach \a in {1,...,12}
        \node[circle,draw] (u\a) at ({\a*30}:2){};
    \caption*{\footnotesize{Figure 3}}


enter image description here