Placing three tikzpicture items next to each other in one Figure – adding two arrows between them


enter image description here


I have drawn three items in tikzpicture, and now would like to place them next to each other, in a row. Ideally placing a \leftrightarrow between them to indicate that they are equivalent. I have tried so many different ways such as \centering, \begin{centre}… \end{centre}. As well as \minipage. But none of them worked for me.

Here is my code:


\begin{knot}[clip width=10, clip radius=15pt, consider self intersections, end tolerance=3pt]
  \strand[ultra thick] 
    (0,0) to[out=up, in=down] (0,0.7) 
    to[out=up, in=left] (0.5,1.5)
    to[out=right, in=up]  (1,1)
    to[out=down, in=right]  (0.5,0.5)
    to[out=left, in=down]  (0,1.3)
    to[out=up, in=down]  (0,2);

\begin{knot}[clip width=10, clip radius=15pt, consider self intersections, end tolerance=3pt]
  \strand[ultra thick] 
  (0,0) to[out=down, in=up] (0,0.7) 
    to[out=up, in=right] (-0.5,1.5)
    to[out=left, in=up]  (-1,1)
    to[out=down, in=left]  (-0.5,0.5)
    to[out=right, in=down]  (0,1.3)
    to[out=down, in=up]  (0,2);

\draw[ultra thick] (0,0) -- (0,-2);

\caption{The Reidemeister Moves}

If someone can help me overcome this problem, I will really appreciate them. IF anyone also knows a good page or video or tutorial on how to become expert in drawing in Tikzpicture environement, I really thanks them if they can share it with me. I need to draw different knot diagrams, but there's plenty technical bits I need to learn in order to apply them in my diagrams, and hence need to learn everything from scratch.

Many Thanks


Best Answer

Probably the following is closer to the expected output?

enter image description here


\begin{knot}[clip width=10, clip radius=15pt, consider self intersections, end tolerance=3pt]
  \strand[ultra thick] 
    (0,0) to[out=up, in=down] (0,0.7) 
    to[out=up, in=left] (0.5,1.5)
    to[out=right, in=up]  (1,1)
    to[out=down, in=right]  (0.5,0.5)
    to[out=left, in=down]  (0,1.3)
    to[out=up, in=down]  (0,2);
\draw[<->] (1.5,1) -- (2.5,1);
\begin{knot}[clip width=10, clip radius=15pt, consider self intersections, end tolerance=3pt]
  \strand[ultra thick] 
  (4,0) to[out=down, in=up] (4,0.7) 
    to[out=up, in=right] (3.5,1.5)
    to[out=left, in=up]  (3,1)
    to[out=down, in=left]  (3.5,0.5)
    to[out=right, in=down]  (4,1.3)
    to[out=down, in=up]  (4,2);
\draw[<->] (4.5,1) -- (6.5,1);
\draw[ultra thick] (7,0) -- (7,2);

\caption{The Reidemeister Moves}
