[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: Drawing a curve using controls


\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}[fixed point arithmetic]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\d}{1.87529 * 4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ly}{sqrt(3) * 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Lx}{\d / 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\per}{1707 / 6378 * 4}

\coordinate (E) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (M) at (\d, 0);
\coordinate (L4) at (\Lx, \Ly);

\draw (E) -- (M);
\draw (E) -- (L4);
\draw (M) -- (L4) node[font = \scriptsize, above] {\(L_4\)};;
\draw[-latex] (E) -- (-45:2cm) node[below = .1cm, font = \scriptsize]
{\(v_r\)} coordinate (P1);
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .7] (E) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[gray, opacity = .7] (M) circle (.3cm);
\filldraw[green] (.7 * \per, 0) circle (.075cm);
\node[font = \scriptsize] at (\Lx + 2, \Ly)
{\((187529, 332900.1652, 0)\)};
\draw[dashed, thick] (E) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[dashed, thick, red] ([shift = (E)] -45:1.2cm) .. controls (3, 1)
and (-4, 5) .. (L4);

\draw let
  \p0 = (E),
  \p1 = (P1),
  \p2 = (M),
  \n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
  \n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
  \n3 = {2cm},
  \n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (E) + (\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[fill = white, inner sep = 0cm, font = \scriptsize] at ([shift = (E)]
\n4:\n3) {\(\nu = -\frac{\pi}{4}\)};

I have tried constructing this curve by using controls in draw but it didn't quite work out. Maybe there is a better way than this but I don't know.

So the flight path would start at the dotted circle and vector v_r and end at the location L_4. In the Python code, I plotted the solution longer than needed.

enter image description here

Here is the current image but the curve I would like to add is picture below:

enter image description here

Edit 2:

So I have constructed a somewhat decent curve but I am hoping someone can help it look a little better still. Also, I have changed the screen shot. Why is the figure not centering and is skewed to the right?

Best Answer

If you draw the bounding box for your tikzpicture (after adding \centering and a test caption):

\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}%[fixed point arithmetic]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\d}{1.87529 * 4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ly}{sqrt(3) * 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Lx}{\d / 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\per}{1707 / 6378 * 4}

\coordinate (E) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (M) at (\d, 0);
\coordinate (L4) at (\Lx, \Ly);

\draw (E) -- (M);
\draw (E) -- (L4);
\draw (M) -- (L4) node[font = \scriptsize, above] {\(L_4\)};;
\draw[-latex] (E) -- (-45:2cm) node[below = .1cm, font = \scriptsize]
{\(v_r\)} coordinate (P1);
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .7] (E) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[gray, opacity = .7] (M) circle (.3cm);
\filldraw[green] (.7 * \per, 0) circle (.075cm);
\node[font = \scriptsize] at (\Lx + 2, \Ly)
{\((187529, 332900.1652, 0)\)};
\draw[dashed, thick] (E) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[dashed, thick, red] ([shift = (E)] -45:1.2cm) .. controls (3, 1)
and (-4, 5) .. (L4);

\draw let
  \p0 = (E),
  \p1 = (P1),
  \p2 = (M),
  \n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
  \n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
  \n3 = {2cm},
  \n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (E) + (\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[fill = white, inner sep = 0cm, font = \scriptsize] at ([shift = (E)]
\n4:\n3) {\(\nu = -\frac{\pi}{4}\)};
  (current bounding box.north west) 
  (current bounding box.south east) ;
\caption{A test caption}

you get:

enter image description here

which shows that the bounding box is centered, but something is contributing to it, besides what actually appears in the drawing. Where does this contribution come from? The answer is: from one of your control points (simply place two visible elements at the coordinates used as control points and you'll see this clearly).

You could interrupt the bounding box:

\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}%[fixed point arithmetic]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\d}{1.87529 * 4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ly}{sqrt(3) * 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Lx}{\d / 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\per}{1707 / 6378 * 4}

\coordinate (E) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (M) at (\d, 0);
\coordinate (L4) at (\Lx, \Ly);

\draw (E) -- (M);
\draw (E) -- (L4);
\draw (M) -- (L4) node[font = \scriptsize, above] {\(L_4\)};;
\draw[-latex] (E) -- (-45:2cm) node[below = .1cm, font = \scriptsize]
{\(v_r\)} coordinate (P1);
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .7] (E) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[gray, opacity = .7] (M) circle (.3cm);
\filldraw[green] (.7 * \per, 0) circle (.075cm);
\node[font = \scriptsize] at (\Lx + 2, \Ly)
{\((187529, 332900.1652, 0)\)};
\draw[dashed, thick] (E) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[dashed, thick, red] ([shift = (E)] -45:1.2cm) .. controls (3, 1)
and (-4, 5) .. (L4);

\draw let
  \p0 = (E),
  \p1 = (P1),
  \p2 = (M),
  \n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
  \n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
  \n3 = {2cm},
  \n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (E) + (\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[fill = white, inner sep = 0cm, font = \scriptsize] at ([shift = (E)]
\n4:\n3) {\(\nu = -\frac{\pi}{4}\)};
  (current bounding box.north west) 
  (current bounding box.south east) ;
\caption{A test caption}

enter image description here

or choose different control points inside the bounding box; for example:

\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}%[fixed point arithmetic]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\d}{1.87529 * 4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ly}{sqrt(3) * 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Lx}{\d / 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\per}{1707 / 6378 * 4}

\coordinate (E) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (M) at (\d, 0);
\coordinate (L4) at (\Lx, \Ly);

\draw (E) -- (M);
\draw (E) -- (L4);
\draw (M) -- (L4) node[font = \scriptsize, above] {\(L_4\)};;
\draw[-latex] (E) -- (-45:2cm) node[below = .1cm, font = \scriptsize]
{\(v_r\)} coordinate (P1);
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .7] (E) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[gray, opacity = .7] (M) circle (.3cm);
\filldraw[green] (.7 * \per, 0) circle (.075cm);
\node[font = \scriptsize] at (\Lx + 2, \Ly)
{\((187529, 332900.1652, 0)\)};
\draw[dashed, thick] (E) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[dashed, thick, red] ([shift = (E)] -45:1.2cm) .. controls (3, 1)
and (-1, 5) .. (L4);

\draw let
  \p0 = (E),
  \p1 = (P1),
  \p2 = (M),
  \n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
  \n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
  \n3 = {2cm},
  \n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (E) + (\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[fill = white, inner sep = 0cm, font = \scriptsize] at ([shift = (E)]
\n4:\n3) {\(\nu = -\frac{\pi}{4}\)};

  (current bounding box.north west) 
  (current bounding box.south east) ;
\caption{A test caption}

enter image description here

Here's another possibility with a modification for the curved path:

\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}%[fixed point arithmetic]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\d}{1.87529 * 4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Ly}{sqrt(3) * 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Lx}{\d / 2}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\per}{1707 / 6378 * 4}

\coordinate (E) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (M) at (\d, 0);
\coordinate (L4) at (\Lx, \Ly);

\draw (E) -- (M);
\draw (E) -- (L4);
\draw (M) -- (L4) node[font = \scriptsize, above] {\(L_4\)};;
\draw[-latex] (E) -- (-45:2cm) node[below = .1cm, font = \scriptsize]
{\(v_r\)} coordinate (P1);
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .7] (E) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[gray, opacity = .7] (M) circle (.3cm);
\filldraw[green] (.7 * \per, 0) circle (.075cm);
\node[font = \scriptsize] at (\Lx + 2, \Ly)
{\((187529, 332900.1652, 0)\)};
\draw[dashed, thick] (E) circle (1.2cm);

\draw[dashed, thick, red] 
  ([shift = (E)] -45:1.2cm) to[out=60,in=-60] (1.3,1.4) 
  .. controls (0.3,2.5) and (1.2,4.8) ..  

\draw let
  \p0 = (E),
  \p1 = (P1),
  \p2 = (M),
  \n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
  \n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
  \n3 = {2cm},
  \n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (E) + (\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[fill = white, inner sep = 0cm, font = \scriptsize] at ([shift = (E)]
\n4:\n3) {\(\nu = -\frac{\pi}{4}\)};

%  (current bounding box.north west) 
%  rectangle 
%  (current bounding box.south east) ;
\caption{A test caption}

enter image description here